Capo Long Barrow (c) Ewen Rennie
Capo Long Barrow

Capo Long Barrow is a very sizeable barrow monument stretching 80 metres. The barrow is on an east/west axis, with the widest point at the east end, which is 28 metres across. The barrow rises to about 2.5 metres high.

What makes the Capo Long Barrow so interesting is that it is an earthen barrow, rather than a barrow composed of small stones. Though common further south in England, earthen long barrows are far less common in Scotland.

The barrow is built of scraped turf and earth and are relatively intact and stands on a low terrace overlooking the North Esk river.

There was originally a very similar barrow at Dalladies Farm, a mile to the north, but this has now disappeared. In the same area are the Cairn O'Mount burial cairn, and the Fordoun Stone Pictish cross.