Din Dryfol Chambered Tomb
Din Dryfol Chambered Tomb

Din Dryfol is a Neolithic chambered tomb standing in a farm field near the village of Bethel on the Isle of Anglesey. Excavations indicate that the site was used and adapted over an extended period of time. Our best guess for the initial construction is about 3000 BCE.

The monument initially extended from 47-62 metres and contained a single large chamber. This was later altered to create four chambers, closed off from each other by internal stone divisions.

Unfortunately, some of the tomb was destroyed during construction on a nearby road. Excavations revealed remains of cremations, plus pottery remnants.

The Din Dryfol tomb is set on a narrow ledge on the steep flank of Din Dryfol hill and is accessed via rough footpaths (good footwear is advisable).