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Scotland Self Catering cottages

Here is a browseable listing of our self catering cottages in Scotland. You have several options for finding a cottage that suits your requirements: use the search form at the top of this page, choose one of our most popular destinations, or browse by region.

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Locations are approximate and should be used for guidance purposes only. Please see individual cottages for more precise location information.

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Featured Cottage
Lily Collie's, Fochabers, Grampian
Lily Collie's

Fochabers, Grampian

Sleeps: 4
From: 445.00 - 1698.00

Lily Collie's is a charming, detached bungalow settled in the the quiet hamlet of Bogmoor, in Moray, and can sleep four people in two bedrooms.

Featured Cottage
Old Mission Hall, Cromore, Highlands and Islands
Old Mission Hall

Cromore, Highlands and Islands

Sleeps: 4
From: 477.00 - 1641.00

This charming lochside cottage sits 3 miles from the village of Cromore on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland, and sleeps 5 people with 1 bedroom.

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