Moffat Museum Photos

Travel information for Moffat Museum

Moffat Museum, A wooden 'rocker' for gold panning
A wooden 'rocker' for gold panning
Moffat Museum, A leather tawse for beating students
A leather tawse for beating students
Moffat Museum, The Old Bakery display area
The Old Bakery display area
Moffat Museum, A linseed-cake breaker in the Outside Exhibition Area
A linseed-cake breaker in the Outside Exhibition Area
Moffat Museum, Exhibit on the life of Air Chief Marshal Hugh Dowding, a Moffat native
Exhibit on the life of Air Chief Marshal Hugh Dowding, a Moffat native
Moffat Museum, Working model of the old Moffat rail station
Working model of the old Moffat rail station
Moffat Museum, Mail-coach bugle used by James McGeorge on the Royal Mail coach in 1831
Mail-coach bugle used by James McGeorge on the Royal Mail coach in 1831

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