About Britain Express


The REAL boss

Director of Dr Who Analysis

Head of Cappuccino Research
Britain Express was begun in 1996 as a labour of love by committed anglophile David Ross, aided by enthusiastic volunteer assistance. Somewhat like Dr. Frankenstein's little experiment, things grew, and took on a life of their own, until today, when, to the best of our knowledge, Britain Express is one of the largest non-government sources of information about the UK. Though we're often flattered to be mistaken for an official tourist board, Britain Express receives no government funding whatever, and has no relation with any tourism body.
Britain Express is now owned and operated as Britain Express Limited, but it is still designed, written, photographed, and edited by David Ross and family (see our board meeting photo below). We're continuing to grow the website, and expand our coverage of the UK, with information and photos of places to visit.
David Ross has a BA (Honours) degree in English History from Memorial University of Newfoundland (1979), and a BPHE degree from Lakehead University (1981). He is the author of The Essential Travellers Guide to English History (1066 Publishing). He has also written over 10,000 articles on British history and historic sites, and is an award-winning photographer (2018 Historic Photographer of the Year awards).
Wow. We've been featured in a full page article in the Daily Mail, another in the Express, and in The Times of 28 November, 2013. Then the Vancouver Sun and Province joined the queue. What's this? The National Post, too? I'm chuffed. If you want to learn a bit more about who we are and what we do - and why - have a read. My mother will be thrilled :-)
Here's the big thing about Britain Express
We love exploring the UK. If we didn't work at this website we'd still be exploring the countryside, poking about in castles and ancient ruins, and generally enjoying ourselves experiencing the wonderful heritage of the UK.
A note about our coverage of the UK
We used to use this quote on our home page: "Travelling in England, Scotland, or Wales? We've been there - and if we haven't been there yet, it's on our list!"
Although there are exceptions, we try to limit our travel articles to places we have personally visited. We like reading about places to visit from people who have actually been there, and we hope that by sharing our experiences you will get more out of it than if we tried to write about places we've only read about in a book!
That may mean that our coverage of some areas of the UK may not be as extensive as we'd like. It may mean that some areas - like the Cotswolds where we live - have quite a few articles, while other areas have less information. It is our aim to provide travel information and lots of photographs based on our own personal experiences, so eventually we will get to areas that are lacking. Give us time - we'll get there!
We're enthusiastic about what we do, and we aim to share our enthusiasm with you. We hope you enjoy the result, and that you will take the next opportunity to explore this wonderful corner of the world.
A bit of unexpected PR ...

The Times, 28 November, 2013
If only I'd known where this family photo would end up, I would have worn a shirt and tie!

Deciding the future direction of Britain Express
Our editorial board at work

Our first board meeting

Our youth apprenticeship training program at work
We hope that the information published on this website is of value to users, but we make no claim as to its accuracy! If we discover any inaccuracies we will act as quickly as possible to correct them, but we are not liable for any actions you as user may take based on the information on these pages.
Britain Express Limited is a UK corporation, Registered in England No. 5251831
Registered Office: 46 Brookbank Close, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 3NB
N.B. this is our accountant's office address - please DO NOT send them letters, it makes them grumpy!