Historic Scotland 3 Months Free Family Challenge
Posted: 2010-05-27
Here's an interesting idea that just came across my desk (well, across my computer screen actually). Historic Scotland has launched a Family Challenge to encourage Scottish families to see how many of its historic attractions they can visit by 11 July. The Family Challenge is part of the campaign that Historic Scotland calls ‘Make Your Own History’, which is trying to encourage people to enjoy family days out at Historic Scotland attractions throughout the country, and share your experiences.
The Make Your Own History campaign began 26 March and runs to 11 July. The big appeal about this campaign is that you can get three months’ free membership with HS, that's 15 months for the price of 12. The challenge encourages families to see how many different Historic Scotland attractions they can visit by 11 July. To participate, you'll to download a ‘passport’ from the ‘Make Your Own History’ website at 3monthsforfree.co.uk. UPDATE: website no longer online.
You'll have to get your passport stamped at each Historic Scotland site you visit by 11 July. After the deadline, send your stamped passport to Historic Scotland to show the number of sites you and your family have visited. A winner will then be selected to win a special prize – a VIP family experience at one of Historic Scotland’s top castles.
You can also post photos from your visits on Flickr and record details of your experiences on Facebook. Membership in Historic Scotland gives free access to 78 paid attractions throughout the country – among them some of Scotland’s top historic sites such as Edinburgh, Stirling and Urquhart Castles, Linlithgow Palace, Skara Brae and the Border Abbeys.
This looks like a good way to get young and old involved in Scotland's rich history, have a great family day out, and save a bundle of money at the same time. Sounds like a good combination to me!
Historic Scotland
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