Bradstone, St Nonna's Church Photos

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Travel information for Bradstone, St Nonna's Church

Bradstone, St Nonna's Church, The plain medieval font
The plain medieval font
Bradstone, St Nonna's Church, Carved head in the chancel
Carved head in the chancel
Bradstone, St Nonna's Church, A pair of Norman lancet windows
A pair of Norman lancet windows
Bradstone, St Nonna's Church, Remains of a medieval wall painting
Remains of a medieval wall painting
Bradstone, St Nonna's Church, Carved medieval wooden roof boss
Carved medieval wooden roof boss
Bradstone, St Nonna's Church, Granite pillars in the nave arcade
Granite pillars in the nave arcade
Bradstone, St Nonna's Church, The west tower doorway
The west tower doorway

Bradstone, St Nonna's Church Travel information

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