Turville, St Mary's Church Photos

Travel information for Turville, St Mary's Church

Turville, St Mary's Church, Church exterior
Church exterior
Turville, St Mary's Church, Path to the south porch
Path to the south porch
Turville, St Mary's Church, West tower
West tower
Turville, St Mary's Church, The Font
The Font
Turville, St Mary's Church, Stained glass window
Stained glass window
Turville, St Mary's Church, Perry Memorial, 18th century
Perry Memorial, 18th century
Turville, St Mary's Church, Cartouche on the Perry Memorial
Cartouche on the Perry Memorial
Turville, St Mary's Church, Stone coffin
Stone coffin
Turville, St Mary's Church, Tudor coat of arms
Tudor coat of arms
Turville, St Mary's Church, Wooden poor box
Wooden poor box
Turville, St Mary's Church, Nave view
Nave view

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