Marwood, St Michael's Church Photos

Travel information for Marwood, St Michael's Church

Marwood, St Michael's Church, 16th century bench end
16th century bench end
Marwood, St Michael's Church, Humorous faces on the screen base
Humorous faces on the screen base
Marwood, St Michael's Church, The 16th century aisle screen
The 16th century aisle screen
Marwood, St Michael's Church, The base of the 16th century screen
The base of the 16th century screen
Marwood, St Michael's Church, The intricately carved screen cornice
The intricately carved screen cornice
Marwood, St Michael's Church, A grotesque carving of a horned figure
A grotesque carving of a horned figure
Marwood, St Michael's Church, George III coat of arms, 1763
George III coat of arms, 1763
Marwood, St Michael's Church, The Peard memorial, 1652
The Peard memorial, 1652

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