Worlingworth, St Marys Church Photos

Travel information for Worlingworth, St Marys Church

Worlingworth, St Marys Church, The ornate 15th century font and cover
The ornate 15th century font and cover
Worlingworth, St Marys Church, A closer look at the font cover
A closer look at the font cover
Worlingworth, St Marys Church, The top section of the font cover
The top section of the font cover
Worlingworth, St Marys Church, The 15th century octagonal font
The 15th century octagonal font
Worlingworth, St Marys Church, A restored angel on the hammer-beam roof
A restored angel on the hammer-beam roof
Worlingworth, St Marys Church, Carvings on the 17th century box pews
Carvings on the 17th century box pews
Worlingworth, St Marys Church, The base of the medieval chancel screen
The base of the medieval chancel screen
Worlingworth, St Marys Church, Detail from the painting of the 1810 Jubilee Feast
Detail from the painting of the 1810 Jubilee Feast
Worlingworth, St Marys Church, The church tower glimpsed behind a pretty cottage
The church tower glimpsed behind a pretty cottage

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