Madley Church Photos

Travel information for Madley Church

Madley Church, The high altar and east windows
The high altar and east windows
Madley Church, 13th-c. stained glass, east window
13th-c. stained glass, east window
Madley Church, The triple seat sedilia and piscina
The triple seat sedilia and piscina
Madley Church, John Gough brass, 1618
John Gough brass, 1618
Madley Church, Medieval misericord in the chancel
Medieval misericord in the chancel
Madley Church, 14th c wall paintings, chancel arch
14th c wall paintings, chancel arch
Madley Church, Garnon memorial, 1622
Garnon memorial, 1622
Madley Church, The Lulham pew
The Lulham pew
Madley Church, The north aisle arcading
The north aisle arcading
Madley Church, The beautifully carved pulpit
The beautifully carved pulpit
Madley Church, The Norman font
The Norman font
Madley Church, Madley church exterior
Madley church exterior

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