Brooke, St Peter's Church Photos

by , Photographer / Editor

Travel information for Brooke, St Peter's Church

Brooke, St Peter's Church, A churchyard view
A churchyard view
Brooke, St Peter's Church, The south porch
The south porch
Brooke, St Peter's Church, The Norman south doorway
The Norman south doorway
Brooke, St Peter's Church, The 12th-century font
The 12th-century font
Brooke, St Peter's Church, The north door with its unusual iron hinges
The north door with its unusual iron hinges
Brooke, St Peter's Church, 16th-century box pews
16th-century box pews
Brooke, St Peter's Church, Charles Noel effigy
Charles Noel effigy
Brooke, St Peter's Church, 1611 Judas Bible facsimile
1611 Judas Bible facsimile
Brooke, St Peter's Church, 13th-century saint's reliquary
13th-century saint's reliquary

Brooke, St Peter's Church Travel information

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