Thornbury, St Anna's Church Photos

Travel information for Thornbury, St Anna's Church

Thornbury, St Anna's Church, Deeply splayed Norman window, north wall
Deeply splayed Norman window, north wall
Thornbury, St Anna's Church, Norman lozenge carving on the font
Norman lozenge carving on the font
Thornbury, St Anna's Church, William Burnham tablet, 1780
William Burnham tablet, 1780
Thornbury, St Anna's Church, The barrel-vaulted chancel
The barrel-vaulted chancel
Thornbury, St Anna's Church, 17th century bier
17th century bier
Thornbury, St Anna's Church, Robert Burnham memorial (1773)
Robert Burnham memorial (1773)
Thornbury, St Anna's Church, Norman piscina, chancel
Norman piscina, chancel
Thornbury, St Anna's Church, Blocked Norman north doorway
Blocked Norman north doorway
Thornbury, St Anna's Church, Norman doorway arch and tympanum
Norman doorway arch and tympanum

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