Hemblington, All Saints Church Photos

Travel information for Hemblington, All Saints Church

Hemblington, All Saints Church, Painted carvings on the font bowl
Painted carvings on the font bowl
Hemblington, All Saints Church, Figures on the font base
Figures on the font base
Hemblington, All Saints Church, St Christopher appearing before King Dagarus
St Christopher appearing before King Dagarus
Hemblington, All Saints Church, Vysena and Aquyiyne being martyred
Vysena and Aquyiyne being martyred
Hemblington, All Saints Church, St Christopher being scourged
St Christopher being scourged
Hemblington, All Saints Church, St Christopher being shot with arrows
St Christopher being shot with arrows
Hemblington, All Saints Church, Robert Blakke brass, 1480
Robert Blakke brass, 1480
Hemblington, All Saints Church, Looking down the nave from the font
Looking down the nave from the font

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