Old Bridge House Museum Photos

Travel information for Old Bridge House Museum

Old Bridge House Museum, The front entrance to the museum
The front entrance to the museum
Old Bridge House Museum, The museum and Devorgilla Bridge
The museum and Devorgilla Bridge
Old Bridge House Museum, The gable end of Old Bridge House
The gable end of Old Bridge House
Old Bridge House Museum, Blocked window in the exterior wall
Blocked window in the exterior wall
Old Bridge House Museum, A 19th-century fireplace
A 19th-century fireplace
Old Bridge House Museum, A Victorian tea service
A Victorian tea service
Old Bridge House Museum, Laundry equipment and oil lamps
Laundry equipment and oil lamps
Old Bridge House Museum, The downstairs museum chamber
The downstairs museum chamber
Old Bridge House Museum, Historical children's costumes
Historical children's costumes
Old Bridge House Museum, A traditional child's cradle
A traditional child's cradle

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