Helmsley Castle Photos

Travel information for Helmsley Castle

Helmsley Castle, A modern sculpture guards the barbican entrance
A modern sculpture guards the barbican entrance
Helmsley Castle, Civil War cannonballs found in the ditch
Civil War cannonballs found in the ditch
Helmsley Castle, 16th century chamber
16th century chamber
Helmsley Castle, Medieval tower window
Medieval tower window
Helmsley Castle, 16th century fireplace mantle
16th century fireplace mantle
Helmsley Castle, 16th century carving detail
16th century carving detail
Helmsley Castle, 16th century fireplace
16th century fireplace
Helmsley Castle, 16th century chamber
16th century chamber
Helmsley Castle, The barbican entrance
The barbican entrance
Helmsley Castle, The lord's private apartments
The lord's private apartments
Helmsley Castle, 16th-century carving detail
16th-century carving detail
Helmsley Castle, The ditch and west range
The ditch and west range

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