Stratford upon Avon Discount Vouchers
Posted: 2012-04-05
With the Easter holiday quickly looming ... er ... eagerly anticipated ... my wife was looking for someplace interesting to go that might tear our daughter away from the television long enough to notice that there's a world outside our sitting room (shocking, but true). My initial helpful response was a shrug, but no sooner had she given up on me as a lost cause when an answer popped into my inbox in the form of a regular email from the Heart of England Tourist Board.
For those who might not know the HETB, they are the tourism group responsible for promoting Birmingham, the Black Country, Coventry & Warwickshire, Herefordshire, Stratford-upon-Avon, Ironbridge & Shropshire, Staffordshire, and Worcestershire, through their website at
Visit Heart of England send out regular emails which frequently contain special deals on visitor attractions and accommodation in the area. Anyway, the current newsletter had a long list of special discount vouchers available for this Easter holiday period. I quickly cast my eye over the list and selected a few possibilities that might interest our couch-potato daughter. Then I realised that the list of discount vouchers included several places dear to my heart - the Shakespeare properties in Stratford-upon-Avon.
I know that Stratford is frequently over-hyped and can be crowded with tourists, and if you ask many overseas visitors what places they absolutely 'must' see in Britain I dare say a great many will put Stratford near the top of the list. But for all that, it is still a wonderful place to visit, and the Shakespeare houses are a massive part of that.
We've visited Shakespeare's Birthplace several times, and learned something different each time. So I was excited to see that several of the Shakespeare houses are offering sizeable discounts through the VisitHeartof England voucher scheme - and not only at Easter only, but throughout the year.
Anne Hathaway's Cottage - two for one admission
Hall's Croft - two for one
Nash's House - two for one
New Place - two for one
Shakespeare Birthplace - two for one
kids go free at Mary Arden's Farm
Plus there are a variety of half-price and children free vouchers for attractions in the Heart of England region, and some rather attractive accommodation offers for short breaks.
Disclaimer stuff: Nope, we don't receive a blessed thing for mentioning this, I just thought I'd like to promote Stratford upon Avon since I enjoyed visiting so much!
Resources: offer list
and our articles on ...
Shakespeare's Birthplace
New Place
Anne Hathaway's Cottage
Hall's Croft
Mary Arden's House
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