St Stephen Walbrook Photos

Travel information for St Stephen Walbrook

St Stephen Walbrook, The church spire, by Nicholas Hawksmoor
The church spire, by Nicholas Hawksmoor
St Stephen Walbrook, The church entrance on Walbrook
The church entrance on Walbrook
St Stephen Walbrook, Rev George Croly memorial
Rev George Croly memorial
St Stephen Walbrook, The richly carved three-decker pulpit
The richly carved three-decker pulpit
St Stephen Walbrook, The altar rails, by Wren
The altar rails, by Wren
St Stephen Walbrook, The beautifully carved organ and loft
The beautifully carved organ and loft
St Stephen Walbrook, A closer look at the arches supporting Wren's dome
A closer look at the arches supporting Wren's dome
St Stephen Walbrook, Mansion House 9000 - the first Samaritans telephone
Mansion House 9000 - the first Samaritans telephone
St Stephen Walbrook, The ornate 17th-century font cover
The ornate 17th-century font cover
St Stephen Walbrook, A carved cherub on the font bowl
A carved cherub on the font bowl
St Stephen Walbrook, John Lilburne memorial, 1678
John Lilburne memorial, 1678
St Stephen Walbrook, Percival Gilbourne memorial bust, 1694
Percival Gilbourne memorial bust, 1694

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