Much later still is the red brick Georgian chancel and chancel screen. The screen is quite striking, with slender columns supporting a rectangular top divided into three sections. The flanking sections are painted with the Ten Commandments text, while the centre section shows a royal coat of arms on a painted red background.
At the west end is a simple Norman font in a chalice shape, with a wide bowl set on a low plinth of four steps.
The other very noticeable feature is how squat the thick Norman columns in the nave are; the largely unadorned columns rise only to about head height and support low, wide arches. This gives the nave a very low feel, very much at odds with the bright and airy Georgian chancel.
A lovely modern touch is a bright and cheerful stained glass window set into the north wall, depicting St Francis standing atop the Bempton Cliffs, surrounded by seabirds.