Lanlivery, St Brevita's Church Photos

Travel information for Lanlivery, St Brevita's Church

Lanlivery, St Brevita's Church, The south aisle
The south aisle
Lanlivery, St Brevita's Church, 1643 stone slab near the pulpit
1643 stone slab near the pulpit
Lanlivery, St Brevita's Church, Memorial to Joan Kendall, 1658
Memorial to Joan Kendall, 1658
Lanlivery, St Brevita's Church, The late medieval octagonal font
The late medieval octagonal font
Lanlivery, St Brevita's Church, Walter Kendall memorial, 1696
Walter Kendall memorial, 1696
Lanlivery, St Brevita's Church, The 1643 Charles I letter of thanks
The 1643 Charles I letter of thanks
Lanlivery, St Brevita's Church, Jane Kendall memorial, 1643
Jane Kendall memorial, 1643
Lanlivery, St Brevita's Church, 15th century Green Man roof boss
15th century Green Man roof boss

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